Oh MSc!

11:45 AM

~A journey I would never let people know~

I'm not sure how other universities offer postgrad studies to their students but in UMS they offer us while we're on internship mode [pandai dia menyelit 😏]

Ze story was, adalah satu haritu [aku lupa tapi yang penting hari kerja] kawan-kawan heboh dalam FB duk tanya siapa dapat tawaran sambunglah apalah. Aku pun apa lagi ceklah.


Everything seemed so sweet until I accepted the offer....

1. My mother was never agreed with the decision. As a consequence I faced many obstacles [jangan main-main restu ibu] until she voiced her support in the night before my Viva Voce, alhamdulillah I've passed it

2. My research failed [not following hypothesis] its fine but the real $#** is but i couldn't find any strong justification to support my findings. Dah macam mana research aku boleh kata pioneer untuk topik tu sebab benda yang aku guna ni tumbuhan perubatan tp taruk dekat water treatment. Memang sakitlah pala member cari journal yang boleh kasi relate dia tu. Puas aku cari sumber kajian memang tiada ataupun yang wujud cuma 10% berkaitan. But seriously I salute my Supervisor for his ambition because our main project is about water treatment using local plants. Jimat. Best kan?

3. For few times I slept at the Institute during weekends, alone. tidur pukul 11 malam bangun pukul 3, 4 pagi masuk lab ambil result. Tawakkal 200% 

4. Faced breakup during this hard time. But I'm glad to let go of that toxic person. Fin.

5. I even failed a subject, the first F in my life. I just couldn't understand WHY. So apa lagi semester depan bayar lebih ambil kelas lebih komitmen lebih. Syukur I've made it to B+

6. This was first time in my life that I was this 👌🏻 close to quit my study. Not me alone but all of my batchmates. Lihatlah betapa sakitnya ambik MSc ni, kami hampir pakat mau pindah ramai-ramai ambik MBA sebab ringan lagi. Tapi tak jadi juga so nangislah siang malam fikir nasib hidup.

Therefore, my Masters journey is only known to my inner circle. Undeniably many people asked my whereabouts especially those kampung people but that journey is very fragile. I almost failed it, kalau aku duk heboh sana sini rasanya apa yang jadi? So i took the approach to not telling outsiders

Fast forward to 17th November 2019,


This knowledge ain't for me alone but for all of YOU...

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